Month: May 2017

  1. Student Chapter update

    PhD student Lukas Wesemann was elected the new President of the University of Melbourne OSA student chapter at the AGM on 8 May. Hamid Soleimaninejad (Chemistry) was elected President of the local SPIE chapter.

  2. PhD completion

    Congratulations to Dene Murphy on completing requirements for his PhD! Dene used laser cooling of atoms to generate ultracold bunches of electrons and ions for nanoscale imaging. Through a combination of computer simulations and novel experiments his work enabled new insights into the charged particle interactions that limit the brightness of sources used in extreme […]

  3. RHD completions

    Stuart Earl (PhD) and Panji Achmari (MPhil) recently received confirmation of successfully completing their degrees. Their citations read: Stuart … studied the interaction of light with metallic nanoparticles coupled to semiconductor films. He found that their optical properties could be switched by location on temperature-controllable materials, and their presence modified light emission by quantum dots. […]