The ARC Centre of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems is now seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for MSc and PhD positions. If you are interested in joining the Melbourne node as either a PhD or MSc student contact Professor Ken Crozier or Professor Ann Roberts. Note that PhD applications must be received by 31 October for Australian domestic students to have the best chance of attracting a scholarship.
Potential project details here.
Alex Wood and Rob Scholten have co-authored a new paper in Physical Review Letters, highlighted in Physics Focus, that is generating a lot of excitement. Their experiments demonstrate the fundamental connections between spin, physical rotation, and quantum phase, and are applicable in schemes where the rotational degree of freedom of a quantum system is not fixed, such as spin-based rotation sensors and trapped nanoparticles containing spins.
Ann Roberts and Devi Stuart-Fox from Biosciences are featured in the University online magazine Pursuit. Read about structural colour and beetles here!
Prospective coursework MSc and research higher degree students are welcome to our group information session on Monday 21 October at 2pm. Meet outside the lifts on Level 5 of the David Caro (Physics) Building on the corner of Tin Alley and Swanston Streets in Parkville. :Link to map here.
Professors Ken Crozier and Ann Roberts are delighted to be part of a new ARC Centre of Excellence in Transformative Meta-Optical Systems (TMOS). Led from ANU, TMOS will develop the next-generation of miniaturised optical systems with functionalities beyond what is conceivable today. By harnessing the disruptive concept of meta-optics, the Centre will overcome complex challenges in light generation, manipulation and detection at the nanoscale. The Centre brings together a trans-disciplinary team of world-leaders in science, technology and engineering to deliver scientific innovations in optical systems for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.The research outcomes will underpin future technologies, including real-time holographic displays, artificial vision for autonomous systems to see the invisible, and ultra-fast light-based WiFi. Ken is the Deputy Director of the Centre and Ann will co-lead the Centre’s Detection Theme.
Members of the group report on the use of a simple, near-perfect absorber to selectively spatial filter a reflected image. The article published in APL Photonics suggests an alternative approach to novel object-plane filtering. Link to the article here.
Research led by former student and research fellow Eugene Panchenko has been published in Advanced Optical Materials. The manuscript describes a monolithically integrated plasmonic filtering device creating an ultra-compact colour pixel. Link to the article here.
Members of the Crozier group, led by Jasper Cadusch, have had their article ‘Silicon microspectrometer chip based on nan
ostructured fishnet photodetectors with tailored responsivities’ and machine learning published in Optica. In their article they describe using “fishnet pixels” to form a microspectrometer chip and demonstrate the reconstruction of four test spectra using a two-stage supervised machine-learning-based reconstruction algorithm. Link to the full article here.
Tim Davis and Ann Roberts,with collaborators Daniel Gomez (RMIT) and Fatima Eftekhari (MCN), have demonstrated asymmetric transfer functions in metasurfaces in research published in Physical Review Letters. The results reported set the direction for future developments of metasurfaces for optical signal processing. Full article can be found here.

Members of our SPIE/OSA student chapter celebrated the Day of Light in typical Melbourne style – with coffee! (Image: Giel Muller)