Posted under News
Actively variable-spectrum optoelectronics with black phosphorus
Nima Azar, Sivacarendran Balendhran and Ken Crozier are co-authors on a Nature paper with colleagues from the University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley …
Review article on thin film and meta-optical image processing
Lukas Wesemann, Tim Davis and Ann Roberts have a new review article looking at the use of thin films and metasurfaces for all-optical image processing that …
New article on optical nanotweezers designed by computer algorithm
Neuton’s paper on algorithm-designed plasmonic apertures for optical nanotweezers has been published in Advanced Optical Materials. The apertures were fabricated using a helium ion microscope and …
Ann Roberts awarded Alan Walsh Medal
TMOS Chief Investigator Ann Roberts has been awarded the Alan Walsh Medal for 2020 by the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP). Professor Roberts, a member of …
New article showing phase contrast imaging of cells with a nanophotonic device
Members of the group led by Lukas Wesemann have demonstrated imaging of unstained cells using a nanophotonic device that has been published in Light: Science and …
Lukas Wesemann PhD completion
Congratulations to Lukas Wesemann who was awarded his PhD on 5 March. His citation states that he investigated all-optical image processing with nanostructures. He demonstrated both …
Research Fellow positions in Meta-Optics available
Ken Crozier and Ann Roberts have two research fellow positions available for suitably qualified applicants. The positions will be part of the ARC Centre of Excellence …
Lift Off Scholarship for Shaban Sulejman
Congratulations to MSc student Shaban who was recently awarded a Lift Off Scholarship by the Greater Shepparton Foundation. Shaban was interviewed by WIN News on Tuesday …
XROSS/Chantler Group projects
Information regarding MSc and PhD projects in X-ray, Synchrotron & Atomic Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics& X-ray Laboratories can be found here here and a video discussing work …
Number of posts found: 83