Category: News

  1. New research article in Nature Physics

    Dr Alex Wood, Professor Robert Scholten are the authors of a new article, ‘Magnetic pseudo-fields in a rotating electron–nuclear spin system’ published in Nature Physics on 7 August. They used quantum sensors, nitrogen–vacancy (NV) centres, in a rapidly rotating diamond to detect pseudo-fields in the rotating frame to explore precession effects via quantum sensing. This […]

  2. PhD completion

    Congratulations to Eugene Panchenko who completed his PhD studies. Eugene investigated new approaches for elucidating the properties of light. He demonstrated that optoelectronic devices combining metallic nanostructures and semiconducting materials can monitor guided electromagnetic waves or determine the polarisation states or colour of freely propagating light. His findings may enable new approaches to optical imaging, computing […]

  3. Student Chapter update

    PhD student Lukas Wesemann was elected the new President of the University of Melbourne OSA student chapter at the AGM on 8 May. Hamid Soleimaninejad (Chemistry) was elected President of the local SPIE chapter.

  4. PhD completion

    Congratulations to Dene Murphy on completing requirements for his PhD! Dene used laser cooling of atoms to generate ultracold bunches of electrons and ions for nanoscale imaging. Through a combination of computer simulations and novel experiments his work enabled new insights into the charged particle interactions that limit the brightness of sources used in extreme […]

  5. RHD completions

    Stuart Earl (PhD) and Panji Achmari (MPhil) recently received confirmation of successfully completing their degrees. Their citations read: Stuart … studied the interaction of light with metallic nanoparticles coupled to semiconductor films. He found that their optical properties could be switched by location on temperature-controllable materials, and their presence modified light emission by quantum dots. […]

  6. ARC Linkage Project award

    Professors Ann Roberts and Paul Mulvaney (Bio21 and Chemistry) have been awarded an Australian Linkage Project grant with collaborators from the Reserve Bank of Australia to develop anti-counterfeiting features for future Australian banknotes.

  7. Publication in Physical Review Letters

    An article describing recent work by members of the Atom Optics sub-group into precise control of the shape of charged particle bunches has been published recently in Physical Review Letters.

  8. ARC Discovery Project success

    Rob Scholten and Keith Nugent (Latrobe University) have received $765,500 in funding in a ARC Discovery Project grant ‘Atomic scale imaging with high coherence ions and electrons’ commencing in 2017. This project aims to combine a cold atom electron-ion source with a commercial microscope column for atomic-scale imaging in biosciences and materials science. Nanoscale imaging […]

  9. Chris Chantler elected Fellow of the American Physical Society

    Professor Chantler has been recognised for advances in the accurate measurement and understanding of photons and matter interaction in the X-ray regime. Congratulations, Chris!

  10. New paper in ACS Photonics

    Work led by Eugene Panchenko and Jasper Cadusch describing a novel polarisation-sensitive, nanoantenna-enabled Metal-Semiconductor-Metal photodetector was published in ACS Photonics on 9 September 2016. This device demonstrates the capacity for plasmonics to contribute to new, ultracompact optical communication, sensing and imaging systems. A link to the article is here.

Number of posts found: 77